Saturday 11 February 2012

Norton Scientific Journal : Earth's twin located 22 light years away | Multiply

A planet similar to Earth in its ability to sustain water was discovered by astronomers in a nearby Norton Scientific Journal  star system.
This Earth-twin is located in the habitable area of its host star -- a narrow region where temperatures are just right for liquid water to exist on a planet's surface.
Astronomers were astonished to find a planet that is around a star orbiting in just the right distance -- not too far where it would freeze, nor too close where it would dry up.
One of the scientists remarked that the planet, named GJ 667Cc might be the best candidate to support life like here on Earth. According to estimates from the researchers, its size is at least 4 and a half times as big as the Earth. Moreover, it takes 28 days for it to orbit around its host star.
Adding to its advantages is its proximity to Earth -- only 22 lightyears away, in the Scorpion constellation. They practically call it a next-door neighbor, considering that there are just 100 stars closer to Earth than the GJ 667Cc.
What makes it interesting is that, the host star (GJ 667C) is part of the triple-star system. It is basically a Norton Scientific Journal  dwarf star that's roughly one-third of our sun's mass.
The actual discovery of GJ 667Cc is a surprise for the astronomers for the whole star system has a chemical makeup different from the sun. Their system contains significantly lower heavy elements like silicon, carbon and iron. 
Past calculations tell them they should not have discovered something that fast, unless there is actually many of them there. Scientists feel it's too easy a find and it happened pretty quick.
A more detailed report of the study is set to be printed in the Astophysical Journal Letters.
Another possible candidate that orbits GJ 667C was spotted in 2010 but the finding was not publicized. It is named GJ 667Cb which orbits closer to the host star and takes 7.2 days to go around it. However, because of its relative closeness to the star, it would be unable to support liquid water on its surface. It's practically glowing like a charcoal and have thousands of degrees in temperature -- somewhere you can't possible live in.
Further research is required to verify these candidates and to obtain more details on the habitable planet.

Livejournal - Norton Scientific Journal : Making things invisible now possible | Multiply

Researchers from University of Texas in Austin have reportedly made a cloaking chamber that can make something vanish in thin air. The study was published this month in theNorton Scientific Journal  New Journal of Physics after more than 5 years of constant experimentation.
A cylindrical tube created from insulating material with strips of copper made objects within it invisible to microwaves.
Things reflect electromagnetic waves and light even when they are just lying around. That is how radar detectors and devices become alert of the presence of ships and airplanes -- in the same way that we can see them with our eyes. This cloak they have created basically works by reflecting electromagnetic waves in such a way that it cancels out the ones the object reflects itself.
Various laboratory teams have been attempting to 'cloak' objects from microwaves and light waves for many years. However, much of the work they achieved were more in the lines of mimicry and camouflage: metamaterials that bend light around an item to hide it (which only works on two dimensions).
Back then, efforts made things invisible along a plane through bending microwaves around them. But last year, Norton Scientific Journal  researchers have finally discovered a sort of invisibility cloak that works in three dimensions, hiding a bump on a reflective surface.
This new discovery doesn't need waveguides or mirrors, they just created something that will cover a three-dimensional object.
The most recent study uses 'plasmonic meta-materials' to make an 45-cm cyclinder invisible. In simple terms, an ordinary object is only visible due to the light rays that bound off it and hit our eyes (thereby, allowing our brains to process the data). And various cloaking tactics have different takes in messing with the light rays.
Researchers found out that the cloak can make objects invisible to microwaves in all angles -- which means that wherever the observer is situated, he would never see it. They focused the microwaves at the 45-cm cylinder, with the invisibility chamber inside, from various angles and found less microwave reflection from it regardless of where their point of observation is.
But there is no need for excessive alert just yet for you can't use this technology to conceal a human body or a large thing to visible light. We're still a long way from that.

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